Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Maddy's One Month Doctor's Appointment

Ms. Madalyne had her one month appointment yesterday. We had her weighed last Thursday at the lactation consultant and she had not gained any weight (still at birth weight of 8 lbs. and 1 oz.). We had our fingers crossed that she has gained some since we started feeding her with bottles and measuring her intake. We are happy to report that she gained 7 oz. in just a few days and is now at 8 lbs. 8 oz.! She also grew an inch and is now measuring at 22 inches long. Her head went from 33 cm to 37.4 cm.

The doctor said she was doing great and all her metobolic screening came back okay. She got a clean bill of health! Our next visit will be for shots at two months. Yikes. I hear that visit is harder on the parents than it is on the kids.

Thanks for keeping up with our family! We appreciate all the support, concern, and advice.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So happy that Maddy is doing better and eating well!

  3. So glad she is doing well. 1st shots are tough...but yes, more on mom than on baby. Give her a little tylenol before you get to the DR and nurse her IMMEDIATELY after the shots. I would always bring E hungry to his appointments and pop him on the boob right after the shots and he forgot all about them like 20 seconds later.

    Glad she's ok!

