Sunday, July 19, 2009

We made it to a month

Maddy made it through a month!!! She had a lot of visitors during the last week. Below you can see some of the people that have came to see her, as well as, her stylin' and profilin' model poses for her 1 month photo shoot. My favorite picture is the legs crossed with the hand behind the head - she's a natural. Next thing you know she'll be busting out the "Blue Steel"...Magnum is still far from ready.

We have had some recent developments this past week that we are proud to announce. Our friend Jamie Robinson came to visit and recommended that we visit a lactation consultant to see if they could help us find out why Maddy never seemed satisfied and she never stopped crying. We were afraid she may have acid reflux or something. We visited the lactation consultant on Thursday. We learned a very valuable piece of information. Although it seemed Maddy was nursing for an hour at each feeding she was actually eating for about five minutes and playing for the rest of the time and using mom as a pacifier instead of eating. So her crying was due to her being hungry. We assumed that since she was eating for an hour she couldn't possibly still be hungry. Man were we wrong. We started using bottles so we could tell how much she eats...averaging 28 oz a day (wow). We are also topping her off with formula if she is still hungry after eating 3-4 oz of breastmilk (Momma can only make it so fast). She is eating like crazy and now is sleeping like crazy. A tornado could come through the house and she won't wake up. We are very excited to find that problem was due to her not getting enough to eat because that's an easy fix!

Maddy is now spending a lot of time alert and looking at herself in the mirror. She is making sweet little noises and has started smiling. It is the cutest thing you have ever seen - or at least it is to us.

Daddy had a really great time on Sunday around 5 am. Let's just say when it goes in with the bottle really fast, it comes out really fast. I have a couple pretty interesting pictures for anyone that would care to see. I didn't want to post them for those with finicky stomachs.

Mom and Dad had a chance to get out of the house. Matt's mother was kind enough to allow us time to go see the new Harry Potter movie and grab a beer. We have Matt's mother here for one more week and then we will be on our own. We are slightly nervous, but now that we figured out the eating thing we feel much better.

This is just a random video of Maddy doing her daily exercise!


  1. Wow! Look at all that blonde hair! I think she favors Matt a bit, but still hard to tell. She's a cutie. I can't believe its already been a month.

  2. Hey guys, we went through the same thing with the feeding. We had to supplement too, glad you guys got it figured out, we know that's a big relief.
