Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Working on the blog

I have video chat setup on my computer if any of the parents want to see little biscuit live. This is a shot of me and her getting ready to update the blog. I was able to get anonymous commenting working as well as name/url. If you would like to leave a comment and do not have any of the needed accounts please select "Name/Url" from the dropdown below the comment field. This will ask you for a name and url, you don't need to fill out the url. Then when you are done click Post Comment and it will ask you to verify a code word, just type it in just like it shows on the screen and you're done. Send me an email if you are having trouble.

I will be posting more pictures and video but will most likey just have links on here over to my picassa web albums.


  1. testing out being able to leave anonymous comments

  2. testing leaving comments with a name and url

  3. I don't know what is funnier: the fact that you have her plopped on your lap or that you have a Tattletales shirt on.

    In fact, you have her on your lap while wearing a shirt that you got a lapdance in. This can't be good man.
